Sunday, March 15, 2009

Blog #5 - Uncommon Sense

Where is God?

-         In your head.

-         Whether God exists or not, you and I can’t really know.

-         If there was any concrete evidence for either of the sides. The side would have presented that evidence and it would be only common sense from there onwards.

-         But, I am not really discussing about existence of God. Only using this as an example.


What is Common Sense?

-         Common Sense refers to plain sound judgement.

-         The kind of sound judgement which does not require you to have any specialized knowledge

-         It comes intuitively to all intellectually capable humans. Being Human has certain perks J


What do I mean by uncommon sense then?

-         Uncommon sense by simple inverse requires you to have some thing uncommon. Something odd that is not common in the normal human intellect.

-         It is the kind of decision-making which helps you decide whether to believe in God or not

-         Most of our decisions are made by this uncommon sense; they are the ones that make us what we are.

-         We choose whether we have to believe in God or not, and in all such decisions where there is no absolute right or wrong.


How can I make the “right” decision?

-         As is pretty obvious by now, most things have no right solutions. But there are rational decisions. These are decisions which you make intending to get what you want.

-         There is no universal purpose; hence there can not be a universally right decision.

-         You thus are the one making the choices in your life.

-         Are you doing what is “right” for you?


Who am I?

-         Ask this question to yourself, Ask this to yourself to know what is it that you desire.

-         We are all humans. We are cowards one second because we chose to behave cowardly and yet we are the brave, for we have fought against things which we should have ran away from.

-         Your past behaviour is not who you are. You can choose to set a new course. There will be barriers. Quitting an addiction is tough. Leaving your comfort zone even tougher at times. But consciously you can set a new behaviour.

-         It is the time to take responsibility for who you are.


Where do I start?

-         It starts with a leap of faith. That is the uncommon sense. Uncommon sense is the faith you put in yourself.

-         When you choose to believe in God, you are taking a leap of faith. A faith in your judgement that he exists. At the opposite end, when you decide to shun that faith in God, you support a judgement of yours.

-         You already believe in your uncommon sense. It’s about time you took some responsibility for it and empowered it.

-         Your beliefs are a result of the choices you have made and their outcomes. The choices which were contextual. UNCOMMON.

-         Your behaviour is thus contextual. UNCOMMON.

-         Accept this.


Why do I need to accept this?

-         Your habits and behaviour are tools incorporated by nature in us as a tool to help you, to make you efficient in repeating the same acts again and again and becoming proficient in them. Remember what daddy always said, “Practise makes Perfect.”

-         But this Perfect is only contextual, it’s uncommon. What is perfect in most cases is the absolute most imperfect thing you can do in others.

-         You can thus become a slave to your habits. Doing imperfect things, but doing them perfectly.

-         Are you a slave to your habits?

-         Don’t be. Challenge your beliefs when they seem out of place, support them when they seem in place.

-         You have uncommon sense J.You can make better beliefs now. Being Human has more perks than you can imagine.


Why can’t I choose to be an Ignoramus?

-         For starters you can. You choose remember J

-         But you will never succeed. You can never really ignore everything. You will soon find paradoxes challenging your beliefs.

-         Ignorance is bliss but unfortunately it is as hard to attain as perfect knowledge.

-         I only advice you to think and then choose. The final choice is yours. Your Risk, Your Gain.


When should I use my Uncommon Sense?

-         Do I really need to answer this?

-         It’s UNCOMMON.

-         So are the times it is to be used. Don’t try to use it every now and then. There are common things you know :p and besides the human mind has it’s limitations.

-         “I” can not tell “You” when “Your” beliefs are out of line with what “You” intend.

-         Lucky for us, there is a system called feedback. Tells you when you did something wrong. Regrettably it only works after the action has been made, so you are already invested. But something is better than nothing. J


Hopefully, you will try something Uncommon soon. Believe in yourself; take the risks which are long due. Life is beautiful, but only if you choose to make it. J


  1. Just read your post, firstly kudos for the thought that has gone behind it and for coming up with a topic like this :)
    Now for the "feedback" :), and as ur blog says we are lucky to have it. In fact this is just my view point.
    As Geoff Boycott says: "The Problem with Common Sense is that it is Not So Common". And I totally agree with him. I think this is what people lack. And mostly they are always acting according to the uncommon sense that plays the devil.
    A person always has 2 choices in life: the "Correct" and the "Incorrect", the "Right" and the "Wrong". Common sense always tells us to follow the Correct path, but it's the uncommon sense which dominates and we choose the latter.

  2. Thanks for the feedback :)

    Quite well stated in fact.

    Humans do tend to do things which do not make sense, things which might not seem to be appropriate for the moment, they seem to be lacking common sense.

    But by the very definition of common sense, it is common. If it seems to you that most people lack it then probably you are thinking differently or at a different level from most people.

    Stupidity is not Uncommon Sense. Stupidity is quite common :P.

    When you use uncommon sense mistakes might be made and the results you intended might not arise. But you can learn from that. That is feedback :)

    Wisdom thus comes with time for people who are willing to let go.
