Friday, May 14, 2010

Blog # 8 - Beer Bread

Hold tight, ladies and gentlemen, after the innovative and much loved Malik Style Long Island Ice Tea… Pramath Malik has come out with a new, breakthrough way of ingesting alcohol.

And while the previous innovation was duly admired, it was still only an incremental change!!... which shall only be dwarfed next to the greatness… nay!!.. sheer AWESOMENESS of ….. wait for it…. Beer-Bread!!

Yes!! You read it right… Beer-Bread!!... for the first time.. beer in a form where it can be eaten, for all those who left their beer drinking after being told they don’t deserve to drink beer because they can’t do a bottoms up!!

After centuries of efforts to make a beer for the people who just can’t get used to the taste of the beer!!... I, PRAMATH MALIK, the world’s greatest man, has come out with…. BEER BREAD….

Now hold your horses and read the f*cking blog!!

What is Beer-Bread?
- Yes! Yes! I know… you all are probably thinking, this is just another hoax, another sham! something so incredible can only be there in fairy tales and dreams. Well be happy ladies and gentlemen, Pramath Malik has done it..
- For the first time, beer and bread together, and that too in a single edible form :)

Who is Beer-Bread for?
- Many a great tales are told about the Earl of Sandwich, who in his laziness invented the Sandwich
- Beer-bread has a similar story!
- Bread as is quite obvious, a staple diet of the lazy… and beer the much beloved drink of men
- It’s wouldn’t be untrue to say that all men are lazy bastards.. wait.. let me correct myself. All cool men are lazy bastards… aah much better… I love the clarity beer gives you in thinking [If you are unaware of the buffalo theory of Norm .. click here.. ... and thank me :) ]
- So… now it is pretty obvious who beer-bread is for….. really cool mofos :)
- But, hold on I ain’t a sexist… neither shall be my invention, any girl… deemed cool enough by atleast 5 men can have the beer bread too

When is Beer-Bread to be had?
- It is known that us men are constantly fighting a never ending against our worst enemy…. TIME
- Nobody has yet defeated time, and even now, all of humanity is working hard to work to find a breakthrough to make time machines!!
- How else do you explain every single person on the planet… going to school, learning all the bullshit sciences, language etc… then working hard to pay taxes!!... when we can be on trees with nude girls ;) and eating fresh fruits… :)
- Anyhow, Beer-Bread is a drink which shall help mankind in his quest to beat time!!
- Whenever a man feels like he is in dearth of time, but needs a quick sort of energy… Beer bread is the answer
- With Beer, sugar and bread being its primary ingredients, it is expected to have a high glycemic index which shall provide us instant energy… :)
- Besides this function, beer bread may also be used as a substitute for food, when too lazy to cook, e.g. when too drunk to cook!!.. no playing with fire when drunk ;) or when too drunk to drive out for food!! .. no drinking and driving… we want as many soldiers in our war against time as possible!!

Where can you find beer-bread?
- Come on, beer-bread doesn’t go on trees, you have to make it..
- All the ingredients will be in your kitchen though, all you need is sugar, bread and beer
- Girls conscious about their calorie intake can use honey instead of sugar :) … I take care of everyone’s needs :)

How do I make beer-bread?
- I know!!.. I know!! … by now you much all be cranked up about… How do I make this awesome … Hold your horses, I am going to tell you
- So, beer-bread is quite easy to make, keeping in mind that it is for supercool lazy mofos :)
- Step 1: Take four slices of bread. Break them into small pieces with hand
- Step 2 : Sprinkle sugar on the bread pieces
- Step 3 : Add beer to the sugar sprinkled bread (preferably Budweiser, only one I have tried, you can try others too)
- Voila!! … eat like a Rassagula :)

Why should you have beer-bread?
- OMFG… why are you reading my blog??
- This blog is only for cool people!!
- Anyhow…. Like Mahatama Gandhi says, hate the sin not the sinner!... I don’t hate you.. I hate your uncoolness.. so I will slay it!!
- Read on be a little cooler.. but remember lot of effort and hardwork goes into being cool.. laziness is not an easy thing… you have to be supersmart to survive … Imagine an active monkey and a lazy monkey, who has higher chances of survival? The active monkey.. duh!! , hence lazy monkeys had to develop super-huge brains to compete with active monkeys!!
- But in the process, the lazier monkeys became so smart that they roped in all the girl monkeys and then just evolution took its course, we evolved into Human Beings
- Ever wondered why us Humans are so much calmer than all our monkey relatives?? Laziness!! Evolution supports it…… I can go on to explain how all scientific inventions are also a result of laziness but I want to keep this blog short… too lazy!
- Anyhow you should try beer-bread because a) It has beer in it.. duh! B) it is easy to cook and it c) it tastes a bit like rassagullas only with beer, d) It’s awesome… duh!! , e) if you are not convinced yet, you are a lost cause, go f8ck a goat!!

Ladies and Gentlemen.. Beer-bread… thank you :)


  1. Being one of the first lucky one to try the experiment, i highly reccomend that you try this new COOL way of consuming a beer, without any fear of a belly or missing food coz uhad too much of beer..
    When want a high from a Brunch, go for BEER-Bread

    And btw the name was proposed by your truly. :)

  2. lol... thanks for the support :)
    You are a true bro!
